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26 March 2006

so tell me..

what if there is no tomorrow... how do you say good bye....
would it still be time... to play a last love song....
a song that lift your restlessness and drop u in my arms....

now is half pass 3am...
if i had my way with time...
how could i amend your heart...

how could i have get you in my arms
so tell me what to do with love..
when to let go?

after 3year later...
i hope you are happy with where you are now...
if there is still any thought of me that must be the waether...
dont think too much..

if there is anyway ur still unhappy...
know that there is no guaranty to in love...
yes its my fault.. do what ever u want.. its up to you..

tear that could be cover under the rain...
dont you still need to wipe it dry?
tiredness after long hour of work...
take a nap dont have to remember, till tomorrow?
laughter after too much drink...
are u still happy now?

hope.. someday you be back...
hope.. someday u would understand.
rather.. face it together...
rather.. for now and your future happyness.
dont say.. goodbye..
goodbye.. my love.

the author: i dont have enuf drink..
the above: inspire from too much mushy song's..
the plan: now bed time.. nite!
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4 people commented:

Vad3r said... March 26, 2006 10:25 PM

omg, thanks Jack! Im so touched!

jack said... March 27, 2006 12:31 AM

i dint write that.. dit i?..

Reta said... March 27, 2006 12:45 AM

why so emoooooooooooooooooooo

jack said... March 27, 2006 12:54 AM

coz u dont want me no more~loh.. *sob~sob* :'(

kidding :p

"gash" need to change me "shuffle" playlist.. no more mushy song's :p
