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20 September 2005


got this from lynnee

well~well here goes...

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. have a few pussy cat pet (=^.^=)
2. travel around the world.
3. to love and to be loved.
4. a daughter name angie( i prefer a daughter than a son :D )
5. have sex with at least 50 different women (ok we can always dream rite??)
6. say... ( good bye, thanks, sorrry, tiu @ f**k~u.. etc ) last word to ppl i've ever known
7. cryo freeze me ass( till they find the way to immortality.. muahahaha ) ok~ok.. i know too much sci-fi channel.. *grin*

Seven things I could do:
1. say my word out loud. ('o')
2. be more talkative. ('_')
3. eat less. (^oo^)
4. exercise more. (~.~)b
5. stop smoking.(doing it now (^.^)v
6. be more carefull on the road. (~_~")
7. stop chasing after pussy cat. kidding (=^.^=)

Seven Celebrity crushes:
1. Christy Chung(CANADA)

2. Yu Ho-yun(TW)

3. Cindy Wang Xin Ling(TW)Evonne Hsu(USA)

4. Uehara Takako(JPN)

5. Matsu Takako(JPN)

6. Matsushima Nanako(JPN)

7. Elva Siu(TW)

...what!? that's it??? i still got more.. :p

Seven often repeated words:
1. hur
2. ehy
3. WTF
4. fu*k
5. my ass
6. bloody hell
7. son of a biatch

Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. if
2. you
3. are
4. hot
5. nothing
6. else
7. matter *slurp*

Seven people to be tagged:
1. seven
2. people
3. who
4. dare
5. to
6. comment
7. here

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1 people commented:

Unknown said... September 21, 2005 7:24 AM

Haha... All people playing 7 tings now huh? Suppose I have to start as well? :D
