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15 September 2005

gang meetup

yesterday had a call from david
he was here since monday after being back hometown(kuching) working and attended family matter

i was supposed to meetup with them at luna bar on monday but i was tired afterwork.. idea of driving down town and broozing session was not quite what i have in mind.. especialy on monday nite..

so we meetup at hartamas sold out souled out.. cyrus,jimmy,jess-lim was there denis came later

i havent meet denis since 5 year back.. while everyone still lepak back at SS2,Oldtown & SriManjaCort.. wow.. ages ago.. everybody still the same look.. except cyrus.. he had cut his hair short and saveup some facial hair.. had a few update with them..

cyrus.. still with his affection toward game (update.. DOTA-AI version 2 ? humm?? must go download.. :p) he's changing new job next month.. joining cleo.. (and he told me all hes colleague is FEMALE.. *drool*)

jimmy.. still with his job and his joke..? oh.. at least hes slamming his joke to jess-lim.. *hide*

jess-lim.. still flying with MAS.. eh..

david.. doing fine with his studio at kuching..

denis.. on his break between jobs.. it seems like last chef job he had was a rip off.. the boss.. whom open the restorent hired them(chef) at first to promote.. than later on fire them and bring in there familiy member to maintain.. not a very ethical restaurant.. wait i dint ask where is the place.. (update later)

and denis told us that Albert has pass away last year december (dengue fever) it lasted only 6day.. i was not close to him i think i meet him once only.. but i still remember coz i only know like two ppl that name albert (not like eelain, eelaine, eeling, eileen, elain, u get the drift .. 8 or more that i know.. name like that.. i've lost track.. )

anyway was there till 1am.. and 2nite again.. it seems like we're meeting up again 2nite.. and they have been meeting up every nite since monday.. so.. 4th session for them 2nd session for me.. :p
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2 people commented:

Vad3r said... September 15, 2005 1:29 PM

its "souled out"

jack said... September 15, 2005 2:04 PM

ok~ok.. was not a regular there..
